Mario Maker 2 API

Created Thursday, February 10, 2022

Mario Maker 2 is a game I’ve played for years, since launch, and I’ve always been interested in putting my skills in programming to the test here. I’ve finally done just that. Using the incredible NintendoClients made by Kinnay, I, and individuals from the Ninji Speedrunning discord, 0% discord, and Kinnay himself, we now have an entirely free and public way of accessing data previously only available to the switch itself.

link Background

Nintendo Switch Online games tend to use a specific library with a specific protocol to communicate with Nintendo’s servers. Since the WiiU, this protocol has been NEX. NEX, partially due to the incredible success of many of the games using it like Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2, has been extensively documented, to the point where it is fully possible to spoof both the client and server. The Pretendo project has been working on a WiiU NEX server for years, and alongside it NintendoClients, a NEX client, has been becoming more stable and safe to run on your personal account.

In October 2021 I finally took the plunge and started using NintendoClients for a dream I had years prior: to make all Mario Maker 2 data easily accessible to computers. After watching the project for years, debating whether to purchase a digital copy of the game and put my Switch certificate on the line, Tatiaus, a talented kaizo player, contacted me about using the API for the 0% team as I had mentioned it in passing earlier. Once I realized there was interest past my own goals I bought the game and began working. On the 13th, I released the first build, publicly available with no login required.

link First release to a small group of Switch modders

First release on discord

link Word gets out

First, the Ninji server used it to round out their leaderboards, making them 100% accurate for the first time ever. The features I considered most important, the level_info and level_data endpoints, went unused. Not many people outside the Ninji Speedrunning discord knew this existed. Slowly, the API got around, but it stayed a novelty. One of the funniest misconceptions I saw was the guess that my switch was running 24/7 and downloading levels for me. The truth is that this was running on a linux server, using a complete recreation of the NEX client. No switch was involved, except for the various credentials the NEX protocol needs to authenticate with the server.

link Interest peaks

In November a kaizo player well known for performing incredibly difficult "trump jumps", jumps in the game which were pixel perfect, came to me about using the API for a level viewer he had designed. In time Ji Xiaomai released his viewer, and that was the spark that ignited the entire community. Suddenly now anyone could view any level without the game and even without a switch. Tricky levels that were only possible due to information only the creator could know were exposed. Suddenly now no level could hide secrets.

After the release of this viewer, I ported it to C++ and made it portable enough to run in the browser, so now it wasn’t even neccesary to download the app to your PC. With time came new incredible viewers, including one that had animated textures. The count of level viewers was now 5, including the continuation of an old level viewer by streamer and programmer Shoujo and one made from the ground up by Ingram. The community had collectively come together to tear the game apart, utterly destroying the roughly 1 level viewer made for the first game. And in another impressive effort, almost every field of every endpoint was determined, so now stats previously thought impossible to obtain, like the boos on a level or the k/d ratio of a player, were accessible. All this hype has generated an impressive amount of traffic as well:

link Web traffic after release

Web traffic after release

link Archival

Through all this, the API has stayed public and free. Information should always be as accessible as possible and designed to be as easy to parse as possible by people and computers alike. While I am putting my personal Nintendo Switch Online account on the line, this tool is invaluable to research about the game. So I can proudly say, while Youtube made dislikes private, we made Mario Maker 2 dislikes public.

The logical conclusion to this venture is to pull as much data as we can. So I did the only reasonable thing, went out and bought a 14 terabyte hard drive in order to download Mario Maker 2’s entire database. Now it might seem impossible to simply download everything, we can request up to 300 random levels at a time through endpoints like search_endless_mode, but statistically we will recieve less and less unique items over time, almost guaranteed to take years to download 100% of available levels. Nintendo, however, made this easy for us:

 1def course_id_to_dataid(id):
 2	course_id = id[::-1]
 3	charset = "0123456789BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXY"
 4	number = 0
 5	for char in course_id:
 6		number = number * 30 + charset.index(char)
 7	left_side = number
 8	left_side = left_side << 34
 9	left_side_replace_mask = 0b1111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000
10	number = number ^ ((number ^ left_side) & left_side_replace_mask)
11	number = number >> 14
12	number = number ^ 0b00010110100000001110000001111100
13	return number

Course ids are constructed from a regular algorithm from a consistent incrementing index called a data_id. Internally these ids are used to request many known levels, like a list of your own uploaded levels. Because these data ids increment regularly and we know both the first data id, 3 million, and the last through a call to search_new, we can download every uploaded level by sweeping through all 31 million data ids currently allocated. Because users follow similar rules, downloading every user account is also possible.

Running a python program for 4 straight weeks to generate a 2 terabyte database may seem foolish to most, but I’m not putting this perfectly good PC to waste by turning it off. Instead, I did it, ran my computer for all of those 4 weeks, and the resulting data will be a goldmine into how players interact with levels and each other.

link The resulting database

  1CREATE TABLE level (
  2    data_id INTEGER,                    -- Data IDs are regularly incrementing values, gaps in the table are due to levels deleted by users or Nintendo
  3    name TEXT,                          -- Course name
  4    description TEXT,                   -- Course description
  5    uploaded INTEGER,                   -- UTC timestamp for when the level was uploaded
  6    course_id TEXT,                     -- Course ID as seen in game
  7    gamestyle INTEGER,                  -- Gamestyle, enum below
  8    theme INTEGER,                      -- Theme, enum below
  9    difficulty INTEGER,                 -- Difficulty, enum below
 10    tag1 INTEGER,                       -- The first tag, if it exists, enum below
 11    tag2 INTEGER,                       -- The second tag, if it exists, enum below
 12    world_record INTEGER,               -- The world record in milliseconds
 13    upload_time INTEGER,                -- The upload time in milliseconds
 14    num_comments INTEGER,               -- Number of comments, may not reflect the archived comments if there were more than 1000 comments
 15    clear_condition INTEGER,            -- Clear condition, enum below
 16    clear_condition_magnitude INTEGER,  -- If applicable, the magnitude of the clear condition
 17    clears INTEGER,                     -- Course clears
 18    attempts INTEGER,                   -- Course attempts
 19    clear_rate REAL,                    -- Course clear rate as a float between 0 and 1
 20    plays INTEGER,                      -- Course plays, or "footprints"
 21    versus_matches INTEGER,             -- Course versus matches
 22    coop_matches INTEGER,               -- Course coop matches
 23    likes INTEGER,                      -- Course likes
 24    boos INTEGER,                       -- Course boos
 25    unique_players_and_versus INTEGER,  -- All unique players that have ever played this level, including the number of versus matches
 26    weekly_likes INTEGER,               -- The weekly likes on this course
 27    weekly_plays INTEGER,               -- The weekly plays on this course
 28    one_screen_thumbnail BLOB,          -- The one screen course thumbnail, as a JPEG binary
 29    one_screen_thumbnail_url TEXT,      -- The old URL of this thumbnail
 30    one_screen_thumbnail_size INTEGER,  -- The filesize of this thumbnail
 31    one_screen_thumbnail_filename TEXT, -- The filename of this thumbnail
 32    entire_thumbnail BLOB,              -- The entire course thumbnail, as a JPEG binary
 33    entire_thumbnail_url TEXT,          -- The old URL of this thumbnail
 34    entire_thumbnail_size INTEGER,      -- The filesize of this thumbnail
 35    entire_thumbnail_filename TEXT,     -- The filename of this thumbnail
 36    uploader_pid TEXT,                  -- The player ID of the uploader
 37    first_completer_pid TEXT,           -- The player ID of the user who first cleared this course
 38    record_holder_pid TEXT,             -- The player ID of the user who held the world record at time of archival 
 39    level_data BLOB,                    -- The GZIP compressed decrypted level data, kaitai struct file is provided to read the header
 40    unk2 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
 41    unk3 BLOB,                          -- Unknown
 42    unk9 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
 43    unk10 INTEGER,                      -- Unknown
 44    unk11 INTEGER,                      -- Unknown
 45    unk12 INTEGER                       -- Unknown
 47CREATE TABLE user (
 48    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of this user, an unsigned 64 bit integer as a string
 49    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of this user, while not used internally user codes are generated using this
 50    code TEXT,                          -- User code
 51    region INTEGER,                     -- User region, enum below
 52    name TEXT,                          -- User name
 53    country TEXT,                       -- User country as a 2 letter code
 54    last_active INTEGER,                -- UTC timestamp of when this user was last active, not known what constitutes active
 55    mii_data BLOB,                      -- The CHARINFO blob of this user's mii
 56    mii_image TEXT,                     -- An image of this mii as reported by Nintendo's debug endpoint
 57    mii_studio_code TEXT,               -- The mii studio code of this user
 58    pose INTEGER,                       -- Pose, enum below
 59    hat INTEGER,                        -- Hat, enum below
 60    shirt INTEGER,                      -- Shirt, enum below
 61    pants INTEGER,                      -- Pants, enum below
 62    wearing_outfit INTEGER,             -- Whether this user is wearing pants
 63    courses_played INTEGER,             -- How many courses this user has played
 64    courses_cleared INTEGER,            -- How many courses this user has cleared
 65    courses_attempted INTEGER,          -- How many courses this user has attempted
 66    courses_deaths INTEGER,             -- How many times this user has died
 67    likes INTEGER,                      -- How many likes this user has recieved
 68    maker_points INTEGER,               -- Maker points
 69    easy_highscore INTEGER,             -- Easy highscore
 70    normal_highscore INTEGER,           -- Normal highscore
 71    expert_highscore INTEGER,           -- Expert highscore
 72    super_expert_highscore INTEGER,     -- Super expert high score
 73    versus_rating INTEGER,              -- Versus rating
 74    versus_rank INTEGER,                -- Versus rank, enum below
 75    versus_won INTEGER,                 -- How many courses this user has won in versus
 76    versus_lost INTEGER,                -- How many courses this user has lost in versus
 77    versus_win_streak INTEGER,          -- Versus win streak
 78    versus_lose_streak INTEGER,         -- Versus lose streak
 79    versus_plays INTEGER,               -- Versus plays
 80    versus_disconnected INTEGER,        -- Times user has disconnected in versus
 81    coop_clears INTEGER,                -- Coop clears
 82    coop_plays INTEGER,                 -- Coop plays
 83    recent_performance INTEGER,         -- Unknown variable relating to versus performance
 84    versus_kills INTEGER,               -- Kills in versus, unknown what activities constitute a kill
 85    versus_killed_by_others INTEGER,    -- Deaths in versus from other users, unknown what activities constitute a death
 86    multiplayer_unk13 INTEGER,          -- Unknown, relating to multiplayer
 87    multiplayer_unk14 INTEGER,          -- Unknown, relating to multiplayer
 88    first_clears INTEGER,               -- First clears
 89    world_records INTEGER,              -- World records
 90    unique_super_world_clears INTEGER,  -- Super world clears
 91    uploaded_levels INTEGER,            -- Number of uploaded levels
 92    maximum_uploaded_levels INTEGER,    -- Maximum number of levels this user may upload
 93    weekly_maker_points INTEGER,        -- Weekly maker points
 94    last_uploaded_level INTEGER,        -- UTC timestamp of when this user last uploaded a level
 95    is_nintendo_employee INTEGER,       -- Whether this user is an official Nintendo account
 96    comments_enabled INTEGER,           -- Whether this user has comments enabled on their levels
 97    tags_enabled INTEGER,               -- Whether this user has tags enabled on their levels
 98    super_world_id TEXT,                -- The ID of this user's super world, blank if they do not have one
 99    unk3 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
100    unk12 INTEGER,                      -- Unknown
101    unk16 INTEGER                       -- Unknown
103CREATE TABLE user_badges (
104    pid TEXT,                           -- Player ID
105    type INTEGER,                       -- The kind of badge, enum below
106    rank INTEGER                        -- The rank of badge, enum below
108CREATE TABLE level_comments (
109    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of the level this comment corresponds to
110    comment_id TEXT,                    -- Comment ID
111    type INTEGER,                       -- Type of comment, enum below
112    pid TEXT,                           -- Player ID of the comment creator
113    posted INTEGER,                     -- UTC timestamp of when this comment was created
114    clear_required INTEGER,             -- Whether this comment requires a clear to view
115    text TEXT,                          -- If the comment type is text, the text of the comment
116    reaction_image_id INTEGER,          -- If this comment is a reaction image, the id of the reaction image, enum below
117    custom_image BLOB,                  -- If this comment is a custom drawing, the custom drawing as a PNG binary
118    custom_image_url TEXT,              -- If this comment is a custom drawing, the old url of the drawing
119    custom_image_size INTEGER,          -- If this comment is a custom drawing, the filesize of the drawing in its old format
120    custom_image_filename TEXT,         -- If this comment is a custom drawing, the filename of the drawing
121    has_beaten INTEGER,                 -- Whether the user had beaten the level when they created the comment
122    x INTEGER,                          -- The X position of the comment in game
123    y INTEGER,                          -- The Y position of the comment in game
124    reaction_face INTEGER,              -- The reaction the mii of the user has on this comment
125    unk8 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
126    unk10 INTEGER,                      -- Unknown
127    unk12 INTEGER,                      -- Unknown
128    unk14 BLOB,                         -- Unknown
129    unk17 INTEGER                       -- Unknown
131CREATE TABLE level_played (
132    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of the level this play corresponds to
133    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who made this play
134    cleared INTEGER,                    -- Whether the user cleared the level
135    liked INTEGER                       -- Whether the user liked the level
137CREATE TABLE level_deaths (
138    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of the level this death corresponds to
139    x INTEGER,                          -- The X position of where this death occured
140    y INTEGER,                          -- The Y position of where this death occured
141    is_subworld INTEGER                 -- Whether this death occured in the subworld
143CREATE TABLE world (
144    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who created this super world
145    world_id TEXT,                      -- World ID
146    worlds INTEGER,                     -- Number of worlds
147    levels INTEGER,                     -- Number of levels
148    planet_type INTEGER,                -- Planet type, enum below
149    created INTEGER,                    -- UTC timestamp of when this super world was created
150    unk1 BLOB,                          -- Unknown
151    unk5 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
152    unk6 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
153    unk7 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
154    thumbnail BLOB,                     -- The thumbnail, as a JPEG binary
155    thumbnail_url TEXT,                 -- The old URL of this thumbnail
156    thumbnail_size INTEGER,             -- The filesize of this thumbnail
157    thumbnail_filename TEXT             -- The filename of this thumbnail
159CREATE TABLE world_levels (
160    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who created the super world with this level
161    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of the level
162    ninjis INTEGER                      -- Number of ninjis shown on this level
164CREATE TABLE user_posted (
165    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who posted this
166    data_id INTEGER                     -- The data ID of the level
168CREATE TABLE user_liked (
169    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who liked this
170    data_id INTEGER                     -- The data ID of the level
172CREATE TABLE user_played (
173    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who played this
174    data_id INTEGER                     -- The data ID of the level
176CREATE TABLE user_first_cleared (
177    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who first cleared this
178    data_id INTEGER                     -- The data ID of the level
180CREATE TABLE user_world_record (
181    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who got world record on this
182    data_id INTEGER                     -- The data ID of the level
184CREATE TABLE ninji (
185    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of the level this ninji played on
186    pid TEXT,                           -- The player ID of the user who made this ninji
187    time INTEGER,                       -- The time of this ninji in milliseconds
188    replay BLOB,                        -- The replay binary of this ninji
189    replay_url TEXT,                    -- The old url of this ninji
190    replay_size INTEGER,                -- The filesize of this ninji
191    replay_filename TEXT                -- The filename of this ninji
193CREATE TABLE ninji_level (
194    data_id INTEGER,                    -- The data ID of this ninji level
195    name TEXT,                          -- Name
196    description TEXT,                   -- Description
197    uploaded INTEGER,                   -- UTC timestamp of when this was uploaded
198    ended INTEGER,                      -- UTC timestamp of when this event ended
199    gamestyle INTEGER,                  -- Gamestyle, enum below
200    theme INTEGER,                      -- Theme, enum below
201    medal_time INTEGER,                 -- Time to get a medal in milliseconds
202    clear_condition INTEGER,            -- Clear condition, enum below
203    clear_condition_magnitude INTEGER,  -- If applicable, the magnitude of the clear condition
204    unk3_0 INTEGER,                     -- Unknown
205    unk3_1 INTEGER,                     -- Unknown
206    unk3_2 INTEGER,                     -- Unknown
207    unk5 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
208    unk6 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
209    unk9 INTEGER,                       -- Unknown
210    level_data BLOB,                    -- The GZIP compressed decrypted level data, a kaitai struct file is provided to read this
211    one_screen_thumbnail BLOB,          -- The one screen course thumbnail, as a JPEG binary
212    one_screen_thumbnail_url TEXT,      -- The old URL of this thumbnail
213    one_screen_thumbnail_size INTEGER,  -- The filesize of this thumbnail
214    one_screen_thumbnail_filename TEXT, -- The filename of this thumbnail
215    entire_thumbnail BLOB,              -- The entire course thumbnail, as a JPEG binary
216    entire_thumbnail_url TEXT,          -- The old URL of this thumbnail
217    entire_thumbnail_size INTEGER,      -- The filesize of this thumbnail
218    entire_thumbnail_filename TEXT      -- The filename of this thumbnail
220CREATE INDEX idx_level_data_id ON level (data_id);
221CREATE INDEX idx_level_comments_data_id ON level_comments (data_id);
222CREATE INDEX idx_level_deaths_data_id ON level_deaths (data_id);
223CREATE INDEX idx_level_played_data_id ON level_played (data_id);
224CREATE INDEX idx_ninji_data_id ON ninji (data_id);
225CREATE INDEX idx_user_pid ON user (pid);
226CREATE INDEX idx_user_badges_pid ON user_badges (pid);
227CREATE INDEX idx_user_first_cleared_pid ON user_first_cleared (pid);
228CREATE INDEX idx_user_liked_pid ON user_liked (pid);
229CREATE INDEX idx_user_played_pid ON user_played (pid);
230CREATE INDEX idx_user_posted_pid ON user_posted (pid);
231CREATE INDEX idx_user_world_record_pid ON user_world_record (pid);
232CREATE INDEX idx_world_pid ON world (pid);
233CREATE INDEX idx_world_levels_pid ON world_levels (pid);

In an update post I’ll cover the data analysis I do on this massive archive, and release it publicly. Make sure to look out for that!