
Created Saturday, December 30, 2017

link Betterterrain.JS

The core of this terrain engine is the biome system. The original inspiration came from Red Blob Games, where I learned both the biome system and multiple octave terrain. In short, the biome system is a 2D grid with one dimension varying in height and the other varying in moisture. You then query this grid with 2 separate mixed noise functions.

Mixed noise is multiple noise functions at different frequencies and amplitudes added together and normalized. This makes the resulting noise more natural and more jagged. All the noise I query is mixed noise.

Additionally, this terrain engine has a system for randomly selecting different tiles instead, using the childtiles system. The demo uses this for different kinds of plants, trees and sometimes dirt patches.

link Demo

Use arrow keys to travel around the map. Meant for rougelike games, but can be used for many different purposes. This demo uses the excellent library ROT.JS.